What is TELNET ?

What Is Telnet?
Telnet is a protocol that is most commonly used to log into a remote computer. It also is the single most powerful hacking tool on the planet. With just a telnet client program, you can:
·         Send email
·         Download source code from web sites
·         Send unexpected input to web servers that can give you amazing and sometimes illegal results
·         Give arbitrary input to many other services on Internet host computers
·         Probe the services offered by servers, routers and even people's home computers.
·         You can hack server but you have the username and the password of the victim’s PC to hack.

You can go to jail warning: -  If you guess the user name and password, or use a computer breaking technique to get or create them, or if someone other than an owner or administrator or a legitimate user on that system gives you a user name and password, it is against the law to use them. Many computer criminals give out user names and passwords that they obtained illegally.